Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My letter to the Presidential want to be's

If Elected, will you follow the restraints placed on the Federal Government by the Constitution, and reduce the size of the Government to that as outlined in the Constitution, and there by reduce the National budget by at least 75 %, or will you support Un-Constitutional Growth of the Federal Government and the slow and steady destruction of this Great Nation. If there is ant doubt in your mind as to the restraints Placed on the Federal Government, just read Article 1 section 8, I also recommend reading Federalist papers 43 thru 48, as they out line very well the limits on the Federal vs. State powers. I am one American that is getting very tired of the Federal Government's abuse of the powers given to it by the people, and like my ancestors did at Saratoga, Lexington, Yorktown and Valley Forge, I will stand up for my Liberty, and not go silently in to the night, but fight with what ever means are needed to insure this Nation does not fall to Socialists, and traitors from with in.

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