Monday, October 8, 2007

An Attack on the 1st Amendment

What is going on here, We now have a member of Congress getting ready to spend a lot of tax payer’s money, to investigate a group of private citizens and stop the 1st amendment in its tracks. Are we turning into the police state George Orwell warned us about in his book 1984? This Congressman is the head of the House oversight committee, the oversight is supposed to be on Government agencies and personnel not, private citizens. This does not bother Congressman Waxman in the least, he does not believe a person has the right to go on public radio and tell the citizens of the U.S. about the excesses of the U.S. Government, and the Constitution be damned, the Congressman wants to shut them up. But he has no problem with leftist people on the radio, talking about killing a sitting President, where is this country going? Please call and / or e-mail your Congressman and Senators and demand the person in question be removed from his seat in Congress for the actions he is taking, because his actions are in direct disregard of the Constitution and Illegal as hell! The phone number to the Capital switch board is 202-224-3121, or you can E-mail your Senators and Congressman by going to Pass this on and give the idiots on Capital Hill a reminder, We the People, run this country,,,,,,NOT THEM. They are to represent us, not their individual wish’s.

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